# Annotation

Configuration of both deposit and view of annotation is defined using a YAML-file (see annotation-config.yml (opens new window) for an example), deposited in the database using the ella-cli. This file should contain two keys:

  • deposit: Defines how the VCF data in the INFO column should be imported into the database.
  • view: Defines how the resulting annotation JSON (the annotations column in the annotation table) should be shown in the user interface.

Using the ella-cli to deposit this file, a row is inserted into the annotationconfig table. This table is created and populated by the migration script, using an import config that reflects the legacy annotation import (see ella/vardb/datamodel/migration/alembic/data/annotation-config-legacy.yml).

Subsequently, for each variant in the VCF, the latest inserted row in the annotationconfig table determines how its INFO field should be deconstructed, and further, how it should be displayed in the front end.

In addition to the config provided in this table, some configuration relevant for annotation (frequency groups) is defined in the application configuration (ella-config.yml).

# Annotation deposit

  • File: annotation-config.yml
  • Key: deposit

All current annotation converters read info from the VCF INFO field. The generic converters should be able to handle most annotation, but specific converters are necessary in some cases.

The list under this key follows this structure:

Subkey Explanation Values
name Name of the annotation converter to use. [string] (See available options below)
converter_config Config for the annotation converter specified [object]

The converter_config.elements list describes where to get annotation from, and where in the annotation JSON the results should go:

Subkey Explanation Values
source VCF INFO field to fetch raw annotation from [string]
target JSON path describing where the converted annotation should end up [string] Paths are split on .
additional_sources Additional VCF INFO fields used List of string (optional, only used in specific converters)
[converter specific] Various converter specific keys See description for each of the converters below


Target paths beginning with frequencies, transcripts and references hold special meaning.

# Generic annotation converters

There are currently four available generic annotation converters:

  • keyvalue: Use key/value pairs.
  • json: Use base16/32/64-encoded JSON data.
  • mapping: Use character separated key/value structures.
  • meta: Use VCF ###INFO header to create JSON structures.

Of these, the json-converter gives the most flexibility, and keyvalue the most transparency.

All of the examples below generate the same output structure to the column annotations in the annotation table:

{ 'PATH': { 'TO': { 'TARGET': { 'foo': 1, 'bar': 2 } } } }

# keyvalue (keyvalueconverter.py)

Read key/value pairs from annotation.

Specific configuration:

Subkey Explanation Values
target_mode How the processed data should be inserted into the JSON insert (default), extend, append, merge
target_type Type to convert the value to identity (default), float, int, bool, string
target_type_throw* Whether to throw an error if casting fails [bool] Default: true
split** String to split raw annotation value on [string] (optional)

*: If target_type_throw is set to False, it will be treated as no annotation found if casting fails. **: If split is defined, the returned value be a list of target_type elements.

Example config using annotation values FOO=1;BAR=2:

- name: keyvalue
          - source: FOO
            target: PATH.TO.TARGET.foo
            target_type: int
          - source: BAR
            target: PATH.TO.TARGET.bar
            target_type: int

# json (jsonconverter.py)

Reads base16/32/64 encoded JSON data and parses it.

Specific configuration:

Subkey Explanation Values
encoding Which encoding the raw data is encoded in base16 (default), base32, base64
subpath Subpath to extract data from [string] Path split on .

Example config using annotation value MYJSON=7B22666F6F223A20312C2022626172223A20327D:

- name: json
          - source: MYJSON
            target: PATH.TO.TARGET
            encoding: base16

Note: base64.b16encode(json.dumps({"foo": 1, "bar": 2}).encode()).decode() == '7B22666F6F223A20312C2022626172223A20327D'

# mapping (mappingconverter.py)

Reads character separated (e.g. ,) key/value structures, separated with e.g. :.

Specific configuration:

Subkey Explanation Values
item_separator Separator for the key/value pairs [string] Default: ,
keyvalue_separator Separator between key and value [string] Default: :
target_type Type to convert the value to identity (default), float, int, bool, string
target_type_throw* Whether to throw an error if casting fails [bool] Default: true

*: If target_type_throw is set to False, it will be treated as no annotation found if casting fails.

Example config using annotation value DABLA=foo:1,bar:2:

- name: mapping
          - source: DABLA
            target: PATH.TO.TARGET
            item_separator: ',' # Default value
            keyvalue_separator: ':' # Default value
            value_target_type: int

# meta (metaconverter.py)

Use meta information (##INFO header) to create JSON structures, where keys are fetched from the header, and values from the annotation. Requires the meta information line to match a given regex pattern for extracting keys.

Specific configuration:

Subkey Explanation Values
list_separator Split into lists [string] (optional)
value_separator String that values are split on [string] Default \|
meta_pattern Regex used to fetch keys from the meta description field Regex string, default: r"(?i)[a-z_]+\|[a-z_\|]+"
subelements List of configs Valid keyvalue configs

Example config using header line (meta information) ##INFO=<ID=DABLA,Number=.,Type=String,Description="Format: foo|bar"> and annotation value DABLA=1|2:

- name: meta
          - source: DABLA
            target: PATH.TO.TARGET
            meta_pattern: (?i)[a-z_]+\|[a-z_\|]+
            element_separator: '|'
                - source: foo
                  target_type: int
                - source: bar
                  target_type: int

# Specific annotation converters

In addition to the generic annotation converters, the following specific converters are available:

  • clinvarjson: Convert current ClinVar data to form expected by database.
  • clinvarreferences: Read data from ClinVar JSON structure.
  • hgmd: Read HGMD specific fields.
  • hgmdextrarefs: Read data from HGMD__EXTRAREFS.
  • vep: Read VEP CSQ-field.

# Annotation view

  • File: annotation-config.yml
  • Key: view

With the annotation JSON structure built by the deposit key, the view key determines what and how the annotation should displayed in the front end's Classification page.

The list defined under this key defines the key components required for showing annotation:

Subkey Explanation Values
section Define which section of the classification page the annotation should be shown in analysis, classification, frequency, external, prediction or references
template HTML template to use frequencyDetails, itemList, keyValue or clinvarDetails. See html-files in frontend-legacy/src/js/widgets/annotation/.
source Which part of the annotation JSON that should be passed to the template [string] Paths are split on .
title Title of the sectionbox used to display the annotation [string] Default: Last part of the source.
url* Link target of the title [string] (optional)
url_empty* Link target of the title when no annotation is available [string] (optional)
config Configuration of the view, specific to each template [object]

*: URLs can be written as template strings, using the allele object and attrs.linkText. See annotation-config.yml (opens new window) for examples.

# Templates

# frequencyDetails

Shows frequency details in table form. Expects the data for the table to be a nested map:

    "column1_key": {
        "row1_key": <value>,
        "row2_key": <value>,
    "column2_key": {
        "row1_key": <value>,
        "row2_key": <value>,
Subkey Explanation Values
key_column Row column name [string]
columns Columns to show Map of annotation JSON key -> column header display
rows Rows to show Map of annotation JSON key -> row title display
filter JSON key to fetch filter values [string] (optional) Filter values not equal to PASS will show as a warning
precision Float precision (for strings). [integer] (Default: 6)
scientific_threshold Convert to scientific notation for frequencies below 10^-[x]. [integer] (Default: 4)

# itemList

Creates a simple list of items, optionally with a URL on each item.

On the config object, under the key items, the following config structure is expected:

Subkey Explanation Values
subsource Path on the source object [string] (optional)
url URL to link from to from list item [string] (optional)
type Type of data found at subsource [string] object / primitives (default)
key Key to fetch data from [string] (Only applicable if type is object)

# keyValue

Fetches key/value pairs and displays them.

On the config object, under they key names an object of this structure is expected:

Subkey Explanation Values
names Mapping of keys to display names Key is used to fetch data from source, display name is what is shown in the UI

# clinvarDetails

Shows data from ClinVar in a format defined by ella-anno (opens new window) and the ClinVar converter. This does not require a special config (should be set to {}).

# Application configuration

# Included transcripts

Configure types of transcripts to include from the annotation using regex, e.g. NM_.* for RefSeq transcripts.

  • File: ella_config.yml (set by ELLA_CONFIG env variable)
  • Key: transcripts.inclusion_regex

# Frequency groups

Defines which data should be in the external and internal frequency groups in the frequency filter and ACMG frequency configuration.

  • File: ella_config.yml (set by ELLA_CONFIG env variable)
  • Key: frequencies.groups

Note that this config should match groups defined in annotation-config.yml.

# Region

Settings related to the REGION section on the CLASSIFICATION page.

  • File: ella_config.yml (set by ELLA_CONFIG env variable)
  • Key: similar_alleles
Subkey Explanation Values
max_variants Max variants to display in each of the section's cards. [integer]
max_genomic_distance Distance in base pairs from a variant (in either direction) within which other, finalized assessments should be searched for. [integer] (bp)
Last Updated: 3/4/2025, 10:19:24 AM