# Webhooks

Configurations for defining webhooks for selected POST/PUT endpoints[^1]. When a request to these endpoints is successful, the corresponding webhook will be triggered, sending a payload to any matching webhook URL defined in the configuration. User information and the specific endpoint that triggered the webhook will also be added to the payload.


Note that in order to trigger a webhook, the endpoint method must be decorated with the @webhook decorator defined in src/api/util/util.py.

# Configuration

Define what API endpoints should trigger a configurable webhook.

  • File: ella_config.yml
  • Key: webhooks
Subkey Explanation Values
endpoint Regex pattern that matches the desired API endpoint(s). Regex pattern
hook The webhook URL where the payload will be sent. URL
methods The HTTP methods (e.g., POST, PUT) that should trigger the webhook. [list of HTTP methods]

# Example

    - endpoint: "/api/v1/workflows/action/\d+/actions/finalize"
      hook: "http://my-server/api/notify-workflow-finalize"
         - "POST"


The example config in the testdata will push all data to http://docker.host.internal:58888, so by running e.g. nc -kldN 58888 on your localhost you can inspect all methods and payloads available for webhooks.

Last Updated: 9/4/2024, 8:57:14 AM